Ogden Hill

Where is it?  The closest villages are Barley and Newchurch in Pendle

How tall is it? Roughly 984′ or 300 metres.

In which area of outstanding natural beauty of national park? The Forest of Bowland but more accurately the Forest of Pendle.


Few people long to climb Odgen Hill…in the general scheme of things it is tiny, it’s profile is only visible from close to the hill itself and (it has to be said) appears to be swallowed up by its’ somewhat more notorious neighbour – the infamous Pendle Hill.

Ogden Hill is a watershed, pure and simple, more water flows from here than in most of the rest of the area and it all gets channelled into the impressive Lower Ogden Reservoir, thus making Ogden hill not only hard to define but hard to traverse.

One would imagine that the afore mentioned drawbacks might make this lesser mound somewhat undesirable , indeed it would hardly feature on any peak-bagger’s “to-do” or “done” lists but for one fact, its’ locality, for sat right behind and (some might say) all around it is Pendle Hill. Pendle hill has something of a reputation for it’s ability to be shrouded in mist, few are the times each year when a perfectly visible blue sky is seen in these parts and in those times yes the routes up and down Pendle hill are straight forward with no chance of getting lost. However, as the walkers of Pendle hill on the other 350 days of  the year soon discover…it’s easy to go off track here….and end up walking back down off Pendle hill via a traverse of Ogden hill! It’s safe to speculate that most people end up ticking off Ogden because they were sidetracked coming off its’ bigger brother either by the almost ever present mist or the equally ever present risk of a mudslide on the descent of Boar Clough – given the chance most do opt to take a seemingly drier diversion via Ogden hill where sooner or later one encounters its’ lurking springs!
