Readers of this Blog will recall that last year I went (as part of a combined effort), for a period of ten days during which I took in no food at all in between Sunrise and Sunset. It was an interesting challenge that brought new depths of moodiness to the fore coupled together with an outstanding sense of pride…on a daily basis.
I had thought of trying this again in Summer at the time of Ramadan- I have the oddest “bucket list”! However, as Chris and I were on holiday at that time …I binned off that idea in favour of trying again later in the year – when there just isn’t the same amount of daylight.
So here we are, yesterday was day one (no prizes for guessing what today is then!) and it was tougher in the morning than in the afternoon. Ormskirk’s sunset was at roughly 16:11 so as that time arrived I made myself a lovely cup of coffee and two hours later had something to eat from a certain golden arched restaurant…which kind of defeats most of the point in doing the fast!
Today will be different, I shall have the cup of coffee at around 16:25 and maybe something low in carbs…but nothing substantial. Later on I will have a can of stewed steak ‘though – apologies to the other religions that I have just managed to offend!
For anyone interested I am getting my Sun rise and set times from here: . The intent is to do this for 10 days but I may yet carry on after our London trip – obviously I am not going to starve myself when we’re paying for bed and breakfast lol.